
Matt's Life is cool

    I look Matt fell very fun. I want to spend to like life. Because, I think, if I can take enjoy, I hope have to  the life. Also, I want to became to like pollyannna - very optimistic thinking. Maybe.. I have pessimistic thinking. I guess this thinking is bad. Likely not too bad, but I am puizzled about it. I want to change to this style. Therefor, I am hanking for his positive life.


Can Equity Be Made Only By Money?

From: http://www.morguefile.com/
    I believe that money has very strong power, but I think the world can't much change at only money. One reason is money give us only object. Money can't change feeling. UNICEF's working can change at some life. This is not all life. I think that this working makes inequalities. However, I praise UNICEF for it. All in all, I want to that UNICEF and another NPO offer us to other way.


Can We Do Without Death Penalty ?

From : http://www.morguefile.com/
    In my opinion, I can't say "death penalty is good penalty", but I think it isn't so bad. Of course, it is necessary to doing not misjudgment and doing suitably. It is very difficult, so I can understand that some people want to protest to death penalty. Also, in Japan, death has holy side - correct way to expiate crime. Maybe, another culture doesn't have same thinking, so you might not be able to understand this way. All in all, if people dislikes to death penalty, I think they do have more best way that they prevents to take to misconduct.